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 Parasailing Types

Types and ways of parasailing

Today we use three types to start parasailing

  • Start from the shore where flyer makes couple of steps before parachute lifts him up. The landing is usually done in the water.

  • From platform to the sea (this could be motorized) where start is the same from the shore but it's possible to land on the platform

  • From the platform of the ship it's the most used and it's the safest way. Parachuter sits on the platform and it's hooked up by the "open-ready" parachute. After that with a help of the special winch it lafts and lands on the ship. There are several ways that helps the flyer to be tied up to parachute.

  • Single harness - it is the most common employed, used as a seat for one person

  • Double harness - two persons together, one in the front of other

  • Tandem bar harness - a metal bar, which is hooked to the seats, one next to the other, possible to the three people

  • Skyrider chair - special seats for more persons Your Unique Source for Parasailing Information
Parasailing Types :-> Highlights different-2 types of parasailing and unique type of parasailing.


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