Parasailing – your chance to fly like a bird… to defy gravity,
touch the clouds and reach out for the rainbows...to soar above verdant green pastures
and rocky blue mountains...
Parasailing as an adventure sport has been around for more than 25 years. Now more
than ever before more and more people are discovering the pleasures of parasailing.
With the advent of Jet Boats and other easily available equipments, this sport has
received a fresh impetus.
Parasails are the ideal purchase for the Family Sport Boat Owner. An
interesting comment made by a beach sports operator was that “ We must stop
selling products and start selling fun”. If you are a commercial sports operator,
you could strongly consider offering Parasailing, as an adventure sport, to your
customers – a sport that offers the very best in fun and excitement.
If you’ve been to a beach resort destination, you’ve probably seen Parasails
lifting riders skywards. All across the country, more of the brightly colored
chutes can be seen behind personal sports boats.
The freedom of flight awaits you...
What are you waiting for?! Here is all the information you need to get started…
What does Parasailing Require?
A boat of at least 90HP, a parasail canopy, a body harness and a towline
are all that you require to start off. A wind speed ranging from 12 mph to 27 mph is
recommended as suitable for parasailing. The takeoff and flight area must be clear of any
obstructions, such as trees, ropes and power lines. A skilled driver and observer, a two
man ground crew, favourable winds and you’re off!!
A variety of parasails are available in the market ranging from 24 feet high parasails
to 42 feet high. Parasails come in varying capacities, some are for single flyers,
others for a two or even threesome.
Yet other parasails can be fitted with a sky chair to afford the riders a luxurious
view of Mother Nature!
Some commercial canopies are specifically made to facilitate a high lift into the wind,
as well as resist the drag. Commonly known as High Lift Low Drag (HLLD), these chutes
are easily inflated on all Winch Boats with the aid of the innovative Launch Bar System.
Generally wind conditions determine the type of parasail to be used, however an
HLLD canopy is designed to weather them all, resulting in less frequent chute change.
For easy online purchase of a preferred type of Parasail – Click Here.
Before packing for Parasailing
A preflight inspection of all the gear best insures its flight readiness and take-off must be into
the wind, which should never exceed 15 mph. The flyer must wear a helmet, approved life vest, and foot protection. The flyer
steps into the harness and hooks into the Parasail. With the help of the launch crew the boat idles out until the
tow line is taut and completely extended.
The canopy of the chute is held up on both sides by the flight crew, and the signal is given
to hit it. The flyer does not run towards the boat but resists the pull in a tug-of-war to keep the line tight
and maintain his/her balance. It should take one to three steps before the rush of lift-off.
Once aloft, flyers get comfortable in the harness by sitting in it rather than hanging from it.
Steering right or left is achieved by pulling on the right or left rear risers, located within easy reach. Altitude
is controlled by boat speed. The length of the tow rope varies, and is based on individual preference. A common
length is 300 feet which gives a maximium altitude of approximately 225 feet. You can estimate your maximium altitude
range by multiplying your rope length by 0.75.
With care the boat can turn and travel with the wind, but the boat speed must be increased to
maintain the relative wind speed of the flyer. Standard boat speeds for flight range from 15-30 mph. The flyer gets
a grand view, and so do people for miles around. The beautiful Parasails attract attention and interest.
While Landing the Parasail
When the flight is finished, it's time to bring it in for a landing. The first touchdowns will be
in the water. Make sure the landing area is clear. The driver reduces the throttle and the flyer gently drifts downward.
The boat should be stopped completely before splashdown to avoid dragging the chute through the water. After landing,
the flyer unhooks from the chute and should be quickly picked up by the boat crew. The Parasail is brought into the
boat carefully and is immediately ready for its next flight. After several water landings flyers in top physical
condition may even choose to touchdown on land. This requires a great deal more skill from both the flyer and driver.
Land landings increase the risk of injury to the flyer, but are a great way to keep dry.
Security and Safety are of prime concern in this sport, since even a seemingly insignificant oversight
can balloon into a major accident. As a safety precaution, a Life Jacket and Helmet are a
must, while participating in water sports. In addition one can also use a wind meter to determine
the optimum wind speed for parasailing.
Do not participate in Parasailing unless all crew-members and flyers have carefully
read and understood the instructions manual. Never exceed the operating limitations
described in the instructions manual. Review safety procedures before each flight.
Inspect all Parasailing components before and after each flight. A few precautions
can go a long way in ensuring a comfortable and safe flight.
Parasailing is a thrilling and breathtaking adventure sport for nature loving people.
The skies await you...welcome to the resplendent and picturesque world of Parasailing!!