Advent of Parasailing begun in the 60's when Piere Lamoigne attached already existing
parachute to a car. That was a cheaper way to teach parachuters, they would raise them at the certain height
and then they would let them free. That method was called parascending. In the middle of 1961, pioneer parachute
company started making parachutes under protected name parasail.
At the beginning of 70's Mark McCulloh set the highest standards in Parasailing. He was the first
one to start commercially used parachutes at the sea. At the beginning raising parasails was done from the shore
and then from the specially made platforms.
1972 he designed first motorized platform.
1974 he designed first winch boat, ship with special winch that helps pulling the parachute back
to the ship, that change the history of parasail.
The greatest invention in Parasailing was specially designed ship which had built in platform for
take off and landing of the flyer.
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Parasailing History :-> Highlights Unique information for Parasailing history, Parasailing history of Ecach state in US with unique Company information,
Parasailing directory, Parasailing Methods, Parasailing Equipments and many more.