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Parasailing Methods

One can experience Parasailing in three different methods and each method is more exhilarating than the other. One such method is ::

Beach Parasailing

You might wonder how much fun can parasailing along an exotic beach may look like but at the same time it can be extremely dangerous, and not recommended for even the most experienced parasailor.

The parasailor is strapped into a harness which is attached to the parasail canopy and connected to the tow boat via a rope. Basic steering instructions for landings are given before takeoff itself alongwith a complete water survival training course in the event of an emergency. There is very little the parasailor can do in this type of parasail to protect themselves if something goes wrong!

Once the parasailor is ready, the beach crew signals the boat driver to power up and tighten the tow rope inflating the parasail canopy. The parasailor is then instructed to step, walk or run forward towards the boat / line. The boat speeds up sending the parasailor skyward.

Once aloft, altitude is controlled by boat speed. Initially the boat travels into the wind the boat speed is constantly adjusted to maintain the desired height. When turning to cross wind or down wind, the boat speed is increased to maintain the desired flying height which is relative to the oncoming air speed entering the parasail canopy.

The driver positions the parasailor over the beach and reduces speed hence allowing the parasail to descend. The parasailor is signaled to steer the canopy right or left which is achieved by pulling on the right or left rear risers. The boat slows until the parasailor has landed. Hopefully!



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